Case Competitions


The Kislak Real Estate Competition

Despite the circumstances due to COVID-19, Baruch College entered the Kislak Real Estate Competition in Fall of 2020. They virtually presented a mixed-use development and came in 2nd place, splitting a $4,500 grand prize amongst the team.


The NAIOP Real Estate Development Competition

In 2019, Baruch came in 1st place against colleges from across the nation in the NAIOP Commercial Real Estate Development Case Competition. The lead up and the participation in this competition was one of the driving forces behind the Real Estate & Finance Club’s inception. The team as a whole received a $5,000 grand prize.


The Kislak Real Estate Case Study Competition

In Fall of 2019, our very own team of Baruch students came in 2nd place in the Kislak Real Estate Case Study Competition hosted by Monmouth University. They pitched a mixed-use building on a development site that bordered a bay. The team as a whole received a $3,000 grand prize. Click Here to watch a replay of their presentation.


The Cornell Real Estate Competition

The Cornell Real Estate competition is a highly lauded Real Estate Case Competition that features all the best colleges from across the nation. This competition was actually the first one that Baruch as a whole was invited to, and the core members of the team went on to create this club after noticing the lack of extra curricular activities designed for students passionate about Real Estate.


Mulroy Real Estate Challenge at Villanova University

Joined by over 30 other elite colleges, our very own team of students partook in the Mulroy Real Estate Challenge, hosted by Villanova University. The competition took place over 2 days, and the Baruch team received an honorable mention.
